Resolution Passes Unanimously

Resolution of the Caucus of the Windsor Democratic Party

Adopted January 13, 2020

The Windsor Democratic Party, as engaged and aware citizens, speaks out now against recent anti-Semitic attacks throughout New York and elsewhere during the Hanukkah holiday.

Anti-Semitism, bigotry and hate of any kind are repugnant to our values and will not be tolerated in our community.

Therefore, be it resolved that the Windsor Democratic Party:
    • Will work proactively to ensure that Windsor is and remains a diverse, welcoming and safe community.
    • Will speak and act out against rhetoric that encourages and foments fear and hatred of any person or group based on their race, religion, ethnicity, gender, or other factors.
    • Will work to identify and address hate crimes.
    • Will work to elect leaders at the local, state and national level whose actions, words and policies reject and do not allow hate.
    • Affirms the declarations and provisions of the resolution passed by the Windsor Town Council April 3, 2017.

We condemn any attacks against members of the Jewish community and other communities. We will remain alert to others in the future. An attack against one of us is an attack against all of us.  Together we will fight hate and intolerance with love and inclusion.
