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Stay informed of party activities, updates from the Democratic Town Committee, and happenings in Windsor politics by signing up for our newsletter!
Windsor will vote this Tuesday, March 11, on the Broad Street Traffic Calming and Pedestrian Safety Project, a proposal to make Windsor Center safer for drivers and pedestrians and make our downtown more walkable. Republicans have been spreading misinformation about
At its March 3 meeting, the Windsor Town Council appointed Anthony King as its newest member. Councillor King replaces Leroy Smith, who stepped down to take care of his health. Anthony has been a proud resident of Windsor since 2017
Early Voting has begun! You can vote any day between now and Sunday, November 3 at Town Hall from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Extended hours of 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. will be next Tuesday and Thursday, October 29
Your polling place may have changed with the latest redistricting! Use the clickable map below to find your district. Click on your neighborhood, and it will show you your district number and polling place. You can also look up your
Show off your support for Kamala and Tim AND your hometown pride with a Windsor for Harris/Walz lawn sign! Plant a sign in your yard and show how much it means to you to elect the Harris/Walz team. Click here
Windsor’s Democratic Party is an open, diverse and inclusive organization focused on the goal to spend time, energy and resources to sign up, inform and engage voters in the electoral process and elect democratic candidates. Elections are won with a solid strategic operating structure benefited by active participation and engaged campaigning that is well resourced with members’ investment of time, energy and funds and every member of Windsor’s Democratic Town Committee must be committed to engage in the process and support the needed efforts to reach the goals.
Windsor’s Democrats meet monthly and work to involve new members and elect Democrats.
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