About Us

Windsor’s Democratic Party is an open, diverse and inclusive organization focused on the goal to spend time, energy and resources to sign up, inform and engage voters in the electoral process and elect democratic candidates.

Elections are won with a solid strategic operating structure benefited by active participation and engaged campaigning that is well resourced with members’ investment of time, energy and funds and every member of Windsor’s Democratic Town Committee must be committed to engage in the process and support the needed efforts to reach the goals.

Who We Are

Town Committee members are your neighbors, family and friends all with a commitment to make Windsor a better place to live, work and grow our families.  We are registered democrats with a commitment to voice our views, act on our principles and make decisions in democratic fashion.

How to Join

To become a member of the Democratic Town Committee first you must be a registered Democrat.  You also need to join in and become involved.  Volunteers in all capacities are always welcome.

Town Committee members are elected in a caucus every 2 years – even numbered years – in January.  They begin their 2 year term in March after the process which may include a primary has been completed.

Attending our meetings, getting involved with activities in town and with the party, and volunteering for Democratic campaigns is usually the route to getting appointed. The Town Committee generally meets on the first Thursday of the month at Town Hall. Click here to see WDTC meeting dates for 2022.

To get meeting notices and stay informed about happenings in the party and in our town, sign up for our newsletter!

The town committee size is based on the by-laws requirement that provides for 1 town committee member for every 150 registered democrats in Windsor.  The 2022-2024 town committee size is 73 people based on the Party rules and voter registration numbers.

Party Rules

The democratic party has its local by-laws that guide the process.  It is also bound by rules of the state and national party organizations. State laws also cover party activities, finance collection and reporting, and election process. Click here for the Rules of the Windsor Democratic Party.

Local Politics

Windsor Democrats are active and engaged in democratic politics at all levels; local – state –  national electing candidates and moving issues.  “All politics is local” said former House Speaker Tip O’Neill and we know that all elections and issues are won when we reach out talk to and help educate and activate the voters in our town – in our local voting districts – there’s only one place they can vote – right here – so that’s where we spend most of the effort.