There’s much to do in Windsor to keep our forward momentum going. Here is information from Adam Gutcheon’s latest newsletter with upcoming events and information! The process for adopting a town budget for fiscal year 2021 is already well underway. The Board of Education is undergoing its final review of its budget, and plans to vote on it this Wednesday, February 19th, 7 p.m. at Town Hall. If you can make it out, your voice is crucial to making sure the Board, and community, are aware of the importance of a strong, prudent budget that supports our kids. The Superintendent of Schools has once again come up with an extremely low request, this year only a 2.58% increase. Here’s some more information about what the schools are asking for: 1. The proposed board of ed budget has an increase of 2.58%, but 2.2% are fixed costs and only 0.38% is new spending. 2. New spending includes $25,000 additional spending for major maintenance, more money for STEM activities, and a social worker at Sage Park. 3. Most additional initiatives were offset by reductions in other programs. 4. Windsor enrollment has gone up 3 years in a row – over 160 new students over that time – many coming back from magnet schools. This at a time when most districts have seen a decrease in enrollment. 5. Budget maintains low class sizes throughout the district. 6. Budget increase is lower than most that have been announced in the Hartford area. 7. The state accountability report – a scorecard for public schools – came out recently and Windsor’s scores were above the state average with significant increases in most schools. 8. The Superintendent’s budget book includes a 1% wish list of needed items that were not included due to the necessity of providing a budget that was fiscally responsible.9. Good schools make Windsor an attractive community and protects property values. If you can’t make it Wednesday, there will be more opportunities to support the resources needed to keep Windsor an affordable town with a great quality of life. On Thursday, February 20, town staff will hold an information session on the municipal side of the budget, 6:30 p.m. at Town Hall. Click here for more information on the town’s budget process, including a full calendar. Important Upcoming DTC Meetings The Windsor Democratic Town Committee will meet March 5 to elect officers and the nominating committee, hear from candidates for the state legislature, and possibly make endorsements in some or all races. This is an important meeting that all DTC members will want to attend. In lieu of our regularly scheduled April meeting, the DTC will then meet on March 26 to select delegates to nominating conventions. This is another very important meeting. Please mark your calendars and be sure to attend. Information on becoming a convention delegate will be forthcoming within the next week. Census 2020 Contact Info At our last DTC meeting, we had a guest speaker who generated a lot of interest. Catherine Marx of the U.S. Census talked about the census process and how we can help. I’m currently working with other local leaders on what we can do at the town level to ensure a complete count. If you have any more questions for Catherine, here’s her information: Catherine Marx Partnership Specialist New York RCC Field Division U.S. Census Bureau Office 603-738-7288Catherine.S.Marx@2020census.gov Celebrate Black and Latino Studies Our very own Rep. Bobby Gibson and Sen. Doug McCrory will be recognized this Friday, Feb. 21 from 2:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m. (with a reception to follow at 4:30) at the Legislative Office Building, 300 Capitol Ave., Hartford. This event will celebrate Bobby and Doug’s leadership in passing legislation to include Black and Latino studies in Connecticut public schools’ curriculum. If you can attend, RSVP to denise.drummond@cga.ct.gov. Black History Jeopardy Last year, we came in second. This Friday, February 21, we’ll claim the Black History Jeopardy championship title–if we have enough players! Presented by the Windsor Human Relations Commission, Black History Jeopardy honors black historical figures both locally and of international note, from the political world, entertainment, sports, the arts, and literature. Teams of four play for cash prizes and bragging rights. Please let me know if you want to be on our team. MDC Informational Meeting Are you a Windsor resident who has questions about your water bill? Please attend an informational meeting on Thursday, February 27, 6:00 p.m. at Town Hall. Representatives from MDC will be available to listen to your concerns and answer your questions. Rep. Jane Garibay and Mayor Don Trinks will host. Windsor Dems 101 Join us for a 30 minute orientation on Windsor’s and Connecticut’s government and the Windsor Democratic party! This 30-minute whirlwind introduction to our structures of government and the DTC’s role within them will be presented right before our March 26 DTC meeting, at 6:30 p.m. Whether you’re a new DTC member, an old pro, or an interested member of the community, Windsor Dems 101 is a great opportunity to improve your understanding of our government and party. |