Our Candidates

Mary Armstrong

Town Council

Moving to Windsor over 30 years ago as a single parent gave me an opportunity to raise my children in a diverse environment where neighbors became family with positive values, consistent compassion and enthusiasm.  This was indispensable as we resided in the Historic Arsenic and Lace house. Windsor’s historic sites are captivating and well preserved, and its vital commitments for residents extended my desire and excitement to build a home in Windsor, to care for my elderly mother, who herself retired from the Windsor School System. Windsor is a town where there are countless services and recreation for all ages.  Windsor’s outreach, concern, and respect for its communities’ needs is beyond compare. It’s gratifying to give back to a town that’s enhanced me and my family for years and as a retiree from the State of Connecticut’s, Judicial Branch, with a stable background and a wealth of experience, it is an honor to serve the Town of Windsor.

Nuchette Black-Burke

Town Council

“Service is the rent we pay while living here on this earth.” – Shirley Chisholm

Being in service to the community and for the community is who I am and what I believe in.   My community, our community is every person who calls this small but mighty town home.  I am running for the Windsor Town Council because I want to ensure that there is a sense of belonging in our town.  I am proud of the diversity and inclusivity here in Windsor but the question is does everyone feel like they belong? Home is where your heart is and Windsor has my heart.  I was born and raised in Windsor, CT and chose to return here after college to start my adult life. As town councilor I want to ensure the quality of life I experienced as a child growing up is also afforded to my children who attend Windsor Public Schools, all children, and every one that calls Windsor home.  The wellbeing of the town and its people are my interest; whether its excessive speeding or the noise of trains, the people of Windsor deserve to have their concerns heard & addressed.  As an educator, parent, and lifelong resident of Windsor I will bring perspective and experience to the town council.  Listening to the concerns of our community and then acting accordingly to ensure our constituents are heard is extremely important.  I am humbled at the opportunity to serve my town in this capacity.

David Furie

Board of Education

For over 36 years I was an attorney with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, retiring in 2017. I have both a law degree and Masters of Social Work from UConn. As a federal employee I was prohibited from running in a partisan election. However, I have been active in the Windsor community for a long time. I have been a member of the Windsor Democratic Town Committee for many years. I am the current Investment Chair and Past President of the Windsor Library Association. I am also a long time mentor for Team Paragon, the Windsor robotics team. My wife, a teacher at Oliver Ellsworth School, is a long time Windsor resident and her father, Paul Sorbo, was the Superintendent of Windsor Public Schools for 19 years, retiring in 1988.  Our two children attended Windsor Public Schools and as a parent I was active in the PTOs and PTAs. Windsor Public Schools provided a wonderful education to my children and it has been great to give back to the community through my active involvement on the Windsor Board of Education.

Darleen Klase

Town Council

My husband Jamie and I bought our first home in Windsor in 1991. We chose Windsor for its community vibrancy, housing choices, schools, and its beauty! We have raised our two daughters here and are thankful for the education, activities, and friends we have made. I am inspired to serve and give back to our community. I hope to ensure that we all have a voice in making our community a place where we all are connected!

Anthony King

Board of Education

I have been a proud resident of the town for the past seven years. I have lived in the Hartford area and am a graduate of CCSU. We chose Windsor because it truly is a unique community of strong diversity, affordability and strong connection to history. The residents and town are something truly special. I believe strongly in community service and I believe a school system is the lifeblood of a town. We need to prioritize, celebrate and invest in our school system and ensure it reflects the unique and special community that we have here in Windsor. Our children are our future and a robust, successful school system will drive success for our residents and their families and for our town. I am excited to serve the community by advocating for our children and families and our school system and sharing with others how unique and amazing our community is.

Leonard Lockhart

Board of Education

I believe that my humble beginnings shaped my work ethic and passion for serving others.  I moved to Windsor 20 years ago because of its diversity, willingness to debate the issues, school district, and high quality of life.  That remains the same today.  Windsor exhibits behaviors not happening in Washington and Hartford, and the town’s resolve is second to none.  I believe our school district is the centerpiece of the town and investing in our most precious resource, our children, is vital without exception.  I continue to be concerned about the education environment on the state and national levels.  I feel unfunded mandates bundled with fiscal hardships creates a difficult environment to maintain and create positive results. I believe all things are possible through hard work and candid discussions with all. I’m a strong advocate of the philosophy that it takes a village to educate every child with no prejudice. I have fought to invest in major maintenance, human capital, board professional development, universal Pre-K, technology, a focus on civil engagement, STEAM, and providing more support in math, literacy, and science.  I will continue to fight for full funding of our public schools while protecting parents’ open choice.

I currently serve as Vice-President of the Windsor Board of Education and Finance Chairman with previous service as President, Vice-President, Finance Chair, and Long-Range Planning Chair.  I also serve on Connecticut Association of Board of Education (CABE) Board of Directors as First Vice President (becoming President November 2023 with desired Windsor reelection) with previous service as Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Chair, Area 2 Co-Director, Resolutions Chair, and Vice President for Government Relations.  Finally, I serve on the National School Boards Association Board of Directors as an Eastern Regional Director.

Ojala Naeem

Ojala Naeem

Town Council

I have a deep passion for serving my community and positively impacting people’s lives. Public service is a noble calling, and I want to contribute my skills, experience, and ideas to address the challenges and opportunities our community faces. I am incredibly passionate about sustaining all of the beautiful things Windsor has to offer and continuing to build a brighter future for the town my family and I call home. I want to ensure that Windsor continues to be a wonderful place to live, work, and play for me, my family, and our residents.


Leroy Smith

Town Council

I’m a lifelong resident of the State of Connecticut and a proud resident of this beautiful town since 1994. I grew up in Hartford and attended college in Fairfield, Connecticut (Fairfield University) but settled in Windsor because of the diversity, history, great school system, and overall quality of life resulting from the strong community. 

I have a degree in economics and accounting and have worked with the State of Connecticut Department of Economic & Community Development (DECD) as a supervising examiner. I am a certified public accountant (CPA) and have volunteered with several community organizations over the years as treasurer. I have also served in this community as a member of the town’s democratic town committee and as a member of the town’s Human Relations committee. I am passionate about serving my community and excited about the opportunity to serve on the town council to move Windsor forward.

Ayana Taylor

Board of Education

My family moved to Windsor in 1992 and am a proud Windsor High School graduate.  I am highly invested in the Town of Windsor, as a mother of two children who attend Windsor Public Schools and I am humbled and honored to serve on the Board of Education since 2018.

Our unique and diverse community is very important to me.  I am always excited to share about all of the great things happening in The Town of Windsor and in our schools.

Now, more than ever, we are seeing across the country, Boards of Education need the right people to stand up for equity in education, social emotional learning to ensure our young scholars have the support needed to learn and last but not least access to opportunities and resources for all of our students and staff.  Representation matters.  The example we set for our entire community is paramount.

Nathan Wolliston

Board of Education

Windsor became my home in 2008, the year before Barack Obama’s first presidential inauguration. I was just 10 years old when I saw the United States receive it’s first black president. This event shaped my life and gave me hope in the changing world. One thing I’ll never forget is how receptive Windsor was to this change. I’m beyond blessed that my parents chose to relocate and raise me in this environment. Windsor gave me the freedom to bask in my young, black pride during such a monumental time. This, in short, relates to one of my many goals. I aspire to be a servant, spokesman, mediator and inspiration for all youth and young adults. Being a residential program worker at Oak Hill, I am no stranger to serving those in need of it most. I aspire to bring this same spirit of servanthood to fill the gap between the Windsor Board of Education and the Windsor youth.